About 44 Ramps

We are about creating positive experiences through skateboarding and wheeled activities.

We care about how people use, view, interact and respond to our ramps and spaces.

Damian - LakeBenmore

44 Ramps design and build ramps, pump tracks and skate spaces that work for skaters and all wheeled users, are built to last and above all - feel good to ride. We like them to look good too.

44 Ramps is born out of passion for skateboarding; it’s creativity, trials and achievement, the deeper life skills it teaches you, the connections it creates with others, and the enjoyable feeling of riding a skateboard.

Our ramps, spaces and how we work with people reflects this passion for skateboarding and quality. From a small kicker ramp, sale of Gator Skins, ‘how to’ tip, to a full scale park or event, if we can create a moment of stoke for you on one of our ramps, our goal is achieved.

44 Ramps is the sole NZ supplier of Gator SkinsRamp Surface
and provides skate ramp build supplies and resources for events, organisations and backyard ramp builders everywhere.

About Damian, founder of 44 Ramps.

Skateboarding and its culture is what everything comes back to for Damian. He credits skateboarding for putting him right where he is today, having influenced his interests, friendships, skills, work ethic and broader life values.

After several years involvement with skate events and communities around Christchurch; voluntarily building ramps; advocating for skate facilities and opening up productive communication with Council staff about skate parks and the process delivering youth focused active space in the region, Damian started up 44 Ramps - designing and building skate spaces, supplying ramps, kits and plans for DIY builds and distributing Gator Skins ramp surface throughout the country.

Damian has been a skateboarder for 25+ years and counting. From his early teenage years he had an equal interest in riding a skateboard and the what/how/why things are done/made/skated. Damian hooked into the creative and diverse aspects of skateboarding; building his first ramps at 14 years old, filming and editing local scene-vids, road tripping to events and comps, and playing a significant long term role campaigning for and helping design his hometown skatepark.

Skateboarding life led to a career in snow sports as a sponsored snowboarder and forming his first company Standing Sideways. A broad skill set and portfolio of work developed with major brands, events and international riders - making snowboard films, running competitions, creating events and specialising in snow park design/builds, ramp building, flagship events and athlete training facilities.

Through his work with 44 Ramps and Gator Skins Damian supports local skate scenes and NZ skateboarding by putting aside a % of profit for providing free or subsidised skate equipment, ramps or events for skaters and raising mental health awareness and coping tools through skateboarding.

Damian would like to contribute to pushing the progression of NZ skateboarding from grass roots to international level representation. Using his skills and experience gathered over years working to a high level in ‘alternative sports’ he would like to help create opportunities, pathways and facilities for young people to realise their passion, place and talent in NZ skateboarding and its now mainstream sport status.